It is not common for Apple users to report issues with their gadgets, especially since the company has regular updates. However, a section of FaceTime users have complained about the application. If you are also affected, the goal of this article is to give you the fixes you seek.
So, how come FaceTime doesn’t ring? FaceTime fails to ring if Do Not Disturb is set to not allow calls from FaceTime contacts or the ringtone settings are not set to sound when FaceTime calls are made. Muted devices will also not ring when FaceTime calls are made.
To ensure your iPad rings for FaceTime calls, first open the Settings app. Navigate to Do Not Disturb and configure it to allow calls from FaceTime contacts. Next, still in Settings, go to the Sounds menu. Verify that you have selected a ringtone to sound when receiving FaceTime calls.
Finally, check that your iPad is not muted – swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen and make sure the bell icon is enabled, indicating mute is off. If your iPad has a side mute switch, make sure it is not set to mute. With these steps completed, your iPad should audibly ring for incoming FaceTime calls.
You can resolve this by enabling notifications and resetting the ringtone. Secondly, the calls may fail if you have an unstable internet connection, for which it is best to set it to 4G or 3G. If none of these options work, the last resort is to make a factory reset to eliminate all the bugs.
It will be inconvenient if you miss a FaceTime call because you didn’t hear it ringing. No one wants to miss out on vital communication but if you have these issues, you will be glad to know that there are easy fixes to get your gadget ringing again as usual.
FaceTime may fail to ring if you had previously blocked all incoming notifications on your phone or have not set the app’s ringtone. If this is the case, you can go to Settings and pick a FaceTime ringtone or enable notifications.
Alternatively, the app may not ring if you have a slow or unreliable internet connection, thus your best bet will be to set the network to 4G. If all these fail, the last option is to make a factory reset, which fixes all the bug issues.
New iOS rarely have FaceTime errors but this does not mean you won’t encounter any issues. The following are some effective fixes to common ringing issues.
- Ringtone Settings
Your FaceTime may fail to ring when you have not correctly set the ringtone. Therefore, you will have to set your ringtone through your phone settings. You can go to notifications, select FaceTime, then Sound, and choose a ringtone. Select from the various options and test whether the app will ring by calling with another Apple device.
- Unblocking Notifications
You may had blocked all the incoming notifications when you wanted to focus on school or work and forgot to turn it back on again or you may have accidentally turned it off. If you want to re-enable them, you can go to the settings and turn on the notifications for FaceTime. Allowing it will alert you whenever there are incoming calls on the app.
- Enabling 4G
FaceTime works better when you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Therefore, slow or no network may be the reason behind the app’s issues. You can enable 4G or at least 3G to receive FaceTime calls. Go to the settings, then mobile data and mobile options.
Afterward, you can pick 4G and enable VoLTE under voice and data settings. However, you can still select from other suitable bandwidths if your country doesn’t have “VoLTE.” It is also possible that FaceTime will fail to ring if your region doesn’t have advanced technology to support the smooth functioning of the app.
- Fixing Mac not Ringing
You may have issues using FaceTime across devices, say when using a MacBook to call a friend who has an iPhone. If the device you are using doesn’t detect your Apple ID, you can include your phone number to the ID and attach it to the email address you will need for calls. You can go to Settings, select FaceTime, then tap to set your ID and click “Sign in.” The ID will show up immediately, and FaceTime calls will go through.
- Resetting
If all the above options fail, your last resort may be to reset FaceTime. The app can have these issues if it has bugs in the system that will only disappear when you refresh all the settings on the app.
Note that the slightest change in the app can cause issues, and you can eliminate it by making a factory reset if you cannot point out the source. However, note that this method will reconfigure everything, and you will lose all your unique and customized settings but you can have a backup to be safe.
Why Is FaceTime Not Working When I Make Calls?
One of the most exciting aspects of FaceTime is its ease of use, and you only have to click on its icon to reach out to others within seconds. However, the app may fail to work as usual when you try making outgoing calls, thus the following are some effective fixes that may help.
Several factors can cause FaceTime to malfunction during calls. Potential issues include network connection problems, outdated software, or incorrect settings.
Network problems are a common cause of FaceTime difficulties. If there is a poor Wi-Fi or cellular data connection, FaceTime may not work properly. Ensuring a strong, stable connection can resolve this issue. Additionally, some network configurations, like certain VPN or firewall settings, might block FaceTime calls.
Having an outdated software version can also cause FaceTime to malfunction. Apple regularly releases software updates to fix bugs and enhance performance, so it’s important to keep devices updated. Also, if both callers are not using an iOS device or a Mac, or if either party is in a region where FaceTime is blocked, calls may fail.
Incorrect settings can prevent FaceTime from functioning properly. If FaceTime is not activated in the settings or the device is set to a time zone that doesn’t match its current location, calls may not go through. Also, restrictions in Screen Time settings might disable FaceTime.
If all else fails, a device restart might resolve minor software glitches that could affect FaceTime’s performance. If problems persist, contacting Apple Support may be necessary to address potential hardware or severe software issues.
FaceTime will not work when your FaceTime is off or you deleted the app from your device; however, you can enable it from the settings or download it again. Your email or phone number may not be updated or your network may be unstable, causing FaceTime not to work. Alternatively, in other cases, the receiver’s device may not have FaceTime support or the contact is in the blocked list, which you can reverse by unblocking the contact in the settings.
Sometimes, the FaceTime icon fails to light up to allow you to click it, or it doesn’t show up in the selections when you want to make a call. Regardless of your problem with the app, quick solutions will come in handy.
First, the application should be on before you can use it. You must enable FaceTime during your device setup; otherwise, it will stay dormant. You can go to the settings and find it in the applications, then tap or slide to turn it green.
Secondly, note that the person you call must also have FaceTime, meaning their phone should be compatible with the app. It will only be practical for users with iPhone 4 or better since these gadgets have a front-facing camera for you and the receiver to see each other during video calls. Additionally, both parties must have Apple gadgets (Macs, iPhones, or iPads). Another important rule is to have a valid email address or phone number.
FaceTime operates like a regular call where you must have an address, explaining why it is a necessary part of the signup process. You can go to the app and add the details under the settings to set it up.
Essentially, it would be best to have a network connection required for FaceTime. You may need cellular data, ethernet, or Wi-Fi to initiate the call, and the device should not be on airplane mode.
It is also likely that the calls are failing because you have blocked the receiver. Perhaps you did that and forgot to unblock them, you can check the settings under blocked contacts to confirm from the list.
Removing them from the blocked contacts will enable the calls. Lastly, you may miss FaceTime from the call options if the application is not on your device. Perhaps the app is off due to content restrictions that block it from use.
Again, you can refer to the settings and scroll to privacy restrictions, where you can turn off the restriction. Otherwise, you can always download the app afresh if you mistakenly deleted it. All the above are logical reasons why your FaceTime calls fail but if none of the fixes work, it may be due to more severe issues that Apple support will gladly help you resolve.
Will FaceTime Ring if the Phone Is Dead?
FaceTime may be similar to the standard calling app but they differ in many aspects. For instance, the app exclusively uses data to call over the internet, unlike cellular calls. These reasons make users wonder whether FaceTime can allow calls to go through even when the recipient’s phone is dead.
No, FaceTime will not ring if the phone is dead. When an Apple device is turned off or has a dead battery, it cannot receive any incoming calls, including FaceTime calls. The calling party will only see a connecting message without the call going through.
FaceTime, like any other application, requires power to operate. When a device is off or the battery is dead, it’s unable to run any software, including the iOS or macOS operating systems. This means that apps like FaceTime cannot function until the device is turned on and has sufficient power.
Moreover, FaceTime also requires a stable internet connection. A dead device cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network or cellular data. Therefore, even if the software could operate, FaceTime wouldn’t work without an internet connection. It’s essential to keep devices charged and connected to a reliable network for FaceTime to operate correctly.
Your iPhone may run out of power or you may switch it off intentionally or unknowingly. When this happens, people reaching out through FaceTime will not find you because your device cannot ring in that state. A dead phone means that your data is not working, barring app access. Therefore, a FaceTime or a regular phone call cannot go through a switched-off/dead device.
However, the caller usually hears a ringing sound on the other side as the system detects network presence. Apple’s server navigates the internet to find the other party according to your details when making the call. In the process, you may notice a ring that dies immediately after the system discovers that the recipient is unreachable.
Lucky enough, FaceTime sends such calls to voicemail, where you will easily retrieve them and respond whenever you can. Still, it is advisable to determine whether the person you want to call is available or not.
Since FaceTime does not have a status indicator, you can iMessage your friend to know if they are available. However, Apple users are hopeful that the manufacturer may introduce a feature that will tell you whether the other party is on or not.
Do FaceTime Calls Go Through on Do Not Disturb Mode?
You can turn on Do Not Disturb mode on your phone to avoid incoming calls when you are busy; however, at times, you may click the button accidentally. FaceTime is a downloadable app for video and audio communication; thus its nature of operation can make you question whether it observes the same rules as standard phone calls.
When Do Not Disturb mode is active on an Apple device, most calls and alerts are silenced, including FaceTime calls. However, there are exceptions based on the settings configured by the user.
In the Do Not Disturb settings, there’s an option to allow calls from specific contacts during Do Not Disturb mode. If this is set to “All Contacts” or to a specific group, those calls will still ring through, including FaceTime calls.
Additionally, there’s a feature called “Repeated Calls.” When enabled, if the same person calls back within three minutes of the first call, it will not be silenced. This applies to FaceTime calls as well.
Hence, whether FaceTime calls go through on Do Not Disturb mode largely depends on the specific settings the user has configured on their device. It’s recommended to check these settings to ensure they align with the user’s preferences.
Thankfully, you can tweak some settings to allow important audio calls to go through. You can favorite important corporate calls and those from your loved ones. This way, they can call you at any time. Note that there are certain exceptions even when the DND is operating. For instance, frequent callers on speed dial can get through and iPhones can only silence calls when the screen is on lock.
Otherwise, you are likely to get audios provided that the phone is active. In essence, you would switch Do Not Disturb because you are busy, meaning that your phone remains locked the whole time. To ensure that Do Not Disturb works perfectly, you can remove the default FaceTime Wi-Fi settings then turn off your cellular data.
Cutting off any data source will block video calls since it doesn’t recognize the Do Not Disturb mode. Next, remove the frequent calls, enable DND, and lock the iPhone. With these steps, you can go about your tasks without interruptions from incoming calls but remember that DND doesn’t affect alarms you had set.
Parting Shot
FaceTime is gradually becoming Apple users’ default calling app, explaining why millions of users speak highly of it. Therefore, you would expect it to run smoothly. Sadly, there may be bug issues that interfere with normal operations. The silver lining is that most of these concerns are easy to solve from the FaceTime settings.
You can unblock notifications, enable 4G, set a ringtone, or even reset the app to receive calls. However, note that your phone will not ring if it is dead, and audio calls will not go through if you have enabled the Do Not Disturb mode.