DayZ Tips (Passing out and blood regain)

While playing DayZ, you may notice that your character is passing out. If you are new to DayZ, you may wonder why this is happening. However, you do not need to worry too much since this is a solvable problem.

So, why do I keep passing out in DayZ and how do I stop it? Primarily, you may be passing out if you are starving or dehydrated, and, if so, the only remedy is to eat and drink more. Otherwise, if you are suffering from severe wounds causing you to bleed out, it is wise to cover them up or wait until they heal naturally.

You can also use a morphine injection that usually boosts your system to work, regardless of the damage extent. Lastly, if you fall unconscious due to hypothermia, it is best to keep warm until you regain your energy.

Since DayZ is generally a survival game, you should expect a few things while you play. For instance, characters may fall unconscious, but they often recover from it. However, one challenge is that some characters repeatedly pass out, interfering with gameplay.

The main reason for passing out in DayZ is due to severe blood loss or fatigue. In Standalone, it occurs when you have a series of injuries within a short time, causing your shock levels to drop drastically.

As a result, you lose your mobility, which leaves you vulnerable to attacks by other characters. Fortunately, if the bleeding isn’t too much, you are likely to regain consciousness when you heal.

Otherwise, it is also common for players to keep passing out if they do strenuous activities, especially without taking care of themselves. Therefore, you may pass out if you are constantly dehydrated or starving but keep running during gameplay.

DayZ is all about a player’s stamina to survive in a harsh world. You have to take care of yourself while simultaneously avoiding instances where your blood levels drop; or else, you will keep passing out. If you had an enemy encounter where you were shot a couple of times, you would get several injuries resulting in excessive bleeding, consequently making you unconscious.

Hence, you won’t access your inventory or status, your screen will turn black, and the audio will be unclear. Generally, you will not move as before, making you too weak to defend yourself when you have to. Other characters can then take advantage by looting or even killing you. However, you may gain consciousness after a while, provided that you didn’t lose a lot of blood.

Besides attacks by other players, lack of basic needs such as food and water can also be responsible for the frequent passing out. You still need constant food and water supply since you have to keep moving when playing the game; otherwise, it will take a toll on your body, especially if you overexert yourself by constantly running.

I Keep Passing Out in DayZ, How Do I Stop It?

It is pretty disheartening if you are a first-timer in DayZ and are doing everything to stay alive, but you keep falling unconscious. This in turn causes you to stop gaming and wait for your character to regain blood. Fortunately, I have some handy tips that may help avoid frequent passing out in DayZ.

Since the main reason for falling unconscious is blood loss, one effective way is to avoid getting injured by other players. Even if you do, it is best to rest and wait to regain your blood before you can go on with the game. Alternatively, you can also use a morphine injection to boost your energy regardless of your severe injuries.

Secondly, to have the stamina to keep walking or running, it is advisable to have food and a clean water supply. This way, you will not get too tired and lose your energy. Another remedy is to avoid unnecessary confrontations that will make you frequently engage with others. You can instead go to the significant city outskirts where you are less likely to bump into strangers.

If you feel too weak, you can always take a break and wait for a few minutes before you resume your trek. Many gamers state that DayZ is more fun if they are constantly running. However, this can deplete your energy quickly, especially if running low on food and water. By slowing down, you retain your strength for when you urgently need it.

Given that you are likely to run into enemies in the game who want to loot from you, it is also important to be ready for confrontations. It is best to have weapons to defend yourself because if you get too many injuries, you can bleed out and fall unconscious.

On the other hand, if you are immobile, you become a target for thieves and killers. Therefore, you can rest whenever you can and always be patient if your screen turns black because you will die if you log out.

How Do You Regain Blood in DayZ?

In DayZ, you can only stay alive if your health and blood levels stay constant. If it drops too low, you will slowly shut down or eventually die. Therefore, the following are ways to regain your standard blood level when you have bled excessively.

First, you can boost your health by eating as much food as possible and drinking clean water. It will keep your stomach stuffed and replenish your lost energy. Secondly, if you have suffered hypothermia, another remedy is getting blankets and keeping warm for the blood to pump.

Also, at this time, you need as much rest as you can. In most cases, other players will see you injured and take your supplies or harm you. Thus, you can find a safe place, away from strangers, and avoid conflicts.

Additionally, if you must keep moving, I advise you not to run to maintain your energy. Lastly, you will find morphine auto-injectors helpful because even when you are badly injured, you can still have a boost to help you go on with the game.

Since there are two main ways to suffer blood loss in DayZ, you can only regain your blood according to the cause of the bleeding. For instance, if you are starving or dehydrated, the only remedy is to find more food and water but be careful that they are not contaminated. Secondly, if you are bleeding out due to gunshot wounds or other injuries, you may find the morphine auto-injector very helpful.

This method allows gamers to keep playing regardless of their current physical state. However, if you don’t have the injection, you may have to rest for a few minutes while avoiding more enemy confrontations.

Moreover, you may also lose a lot of energy due to hypothermia, and, if so, you may have to find ways to keep warm. Luckily if you have enough food and water, you will naturally heal when you lose blood.

If you get a severe injury, you will lose a level of blood every second unless you get bandages or let the wound heal naturally. Notably, your blood loss depends on how severe the injury is and its location. For instance, if you have wounded your feet or hands, you may not have as much blood loss as another character with a torso injury.

What Are the Blood Types in DayZ?

The blood types in DayZ help enhance a player’s health. Thus, it is imperative to know your donor’s blood type. Otherwise, you risk incompatibility, which is life-threatening in the game.

The major blood types in DayZ are A, B, AB, and O, just like in real life. They also have their respective proteins, which affect your ability to receive or donate to another severely injured character.

In this game, players with O- blood are universal donors, while those of AB+ can receive blood from anyone. Unfortunately, O- players can only receive from individuals of a similar blood type, making it an inconvenient blood group in DayZ.

Blood types A-, B- and O+ also have the least number of donors since they can only receive transfusions from their corresponding blood type players or the universal donor.

The standard blood types are in four different groups. However, there is also the blood protein factor, which increases the list to O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-,AB+, and AB-. Generally, if you’re a positive blood type, you can receive donations from either positive or negative versions of your blood type. However, players with negative blood variations can only receive transfusions from individuals with the exact blood type.

However, there are a few exceptions to consider whenever dealing with blood in DayZ. For example, the blood type O- and O+ can donate to everyone provided that the negatives and the positives are compatible.

Also, AB+ can receive blood from all other donors while AB- can accept all the negative blood types. The blood you lose from injuries has adverse effects on your overall health.

If you suffer severe cuts that lead to a severe reduction in blood levels, you may become unconscious. Therefore, it’s advisable to seek medication to sustain the injuries and maintain the blood at over 3000 because death is usually eminent below that level. You must have noticed the blood symbol in DayZ that appears like a water droplet.

Blood is one of the essential components of DayZ since it determines your health status. Generally, it symbolizes your health status, and if you lose too much of it, it can cause unconsciousness and even death in extreme cases. The maximum level you can start with is 5000, although it usually drops if you have injuries.

Generally, your blood loss usually increases if you have multiple wounds. To tell that you have a significant problem, you will notice changes when the level reduces to less than 3000. Typically, death happens when you drop to less than 2500. You will find that every gamer has a particular random blood type that keeps changing when they respawn.

How Long Does Blood Take to Come Back in DayZ?

Blood is a vital stat in DayZ, and it is advisable to occasionally check its level since a significant reduction affects your health. You may lose blood due to gunshots and injuries, and you might be wondering how long it usually takes to recover.

At a low level, blood regeneration gives you one blood scale per second depending on your prevailing condition, but it may take you longer to reach the required minimum red blood cell count. For instance, at this rate, you are likely to recover 600 blood in ten minutes.

Also, the slow blood regeneration costs over 1500 water and 2000 energy, ideal for minor injuries that don’t lead to severe blood loss. Another restoration form provides three blood per second and costs you 2500 water and 4000 energy, and it can add you over 1000 blood in about 15 minutes.

However, whole blood doesn’t correspond to perfect health, meaning that you may have enough blood, yet your health indicator reads otherwise. Once the blood level is complete, your status will show excellent hydration and energy level.

To regenerate health and enough blood quickly, you’ll need to eat and drink a lot. You can clear your inventory of food and water provided that it’s safe for your health.

This way, you can stabilize in a few moments and resume the game. To gain whole blood takes more time than getting a full health indicator; however, it is achievable by eating plenty of healthy food and having enough rest.

If you urgently need more blood, you can also have someone do a blood transfusion on you. Unfortunately, the blood bags may not be safe since you may get the wrong blood type, leading to complications.

Wrap Up

Even in real life, your blood levels are essential to maintain perfect health. In DayZ, it is equally vital that any drastic reduction will lead to complications. For instance, if you are dehydrated or starving, your blood levels will drop, and the aftermath is general body weakness and falling unconscious.

Alternatively, if you were in a shoot-out and were severely injured, you may also bleed and end up passing out unless you have a morphine injection to boost your energy. Luckily, if you are in perfect health, you are likely to heal naturally and resume your gameplay in a few minutes. However, if you end up losing too much blood, the only remedy will be to get a blood transfusion from a teammate with a compatible blood type.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is a technology expert based in the UK, with experience across a number of technology areas from phones, tablets, computers to gaming.

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