DayZ Tips (Eating, Apples, Fruit spawning, Weed)

DayZ is a survival shooter game, and your character should eat to survive and be healthy. However, for a fantastic gaming experience, you need to know how to find food, how to store it, where to find it, what types of foods are easily accessible, and how to eat food.

So, how do you eat on DayZ? To eat on DayZ, if you already have the food in a can in your hands, you will need a knife, can opener, or anything sharp to open it. Press B on your chosen sharp object, then hold RT to open the can. To eat your food, you will press and hold RT.

DayZ is a survival game, and your character should feed well to survive through the fights and climbing. In DayZ, food is available in all sizes and shapes and includes vegetables, dry food, canned food, and drinks. You should regularly refill your supplies and stay ready for future uncertainties.

To eat in DayZ, you can get your food supplies by checking your inventory, searching the nearby spawn areas, living from nature, or planting your food. Despite the above vast sources of food, it is important to note that there are times when there can be a shortage, in which case, you should save this commodity. You will know you are saving food if your Shift key is not constantly turning red.

If you want to know more about replenishing your energy on DayZ, this is the guide for you. I will help you know how to eat, get apples from trees, how often to respawn fruits, and how long it takes for weed to grow in DayZ. Read on for all the answers you need.

The inventory should be your first run for food. Generally, you will have something on your vanilla servers to eat. You can also access community servers for meat and canned food. Thus, to save yourself from many hassles, take a look at your inventory when you hunger before running to the wild for supplies.

Looting boats at the coast is another alternative to finding food. In addition to food, you will also find tools, backpacks, and waterproof clothing. You may not find much on the boats since other spawns like you are also grazing, but you can move into the country’s interior to get your food. In these interiors, you will find small villages with some supplies. It is easy to find food in these villages, given that most players ignore them in their search for food.

If your looting efforts are not as rewarding, you can turn to nature for free food. There are forests in Chernarus and Livonia with natural foods that you can live by, including mushrooms. These mushrooms are common, but, if you are not careful, you may miss them. Also, while considering mushrooms for food, be careful to avoid the poisonous variety.

Fruits are another natural food supply and include plums, pears, and apples. In some regions, you can find fruit plantations with fruits under the trees. Where there is fruit scarcity, you can switch to wild and farm animals in the forest and meadows. You can acquire this food source with a firearm and boost your calories from the fats in fried meat.

Finally, you can plant your food in DayZ, saving you the hassle of finding food. To facilitate this, you will need seeds from the greenhouses and plant your choice plants. You will also need tools such as a pickaxe and spade to dig up the fertile soil and prepare the field for your crops. Water is also essential to irrigate your plants, and you can also rely on rain at times for plant nourishment.

To fertilize your field and boost crop growth, you will need garden lime or fertilizer. Adding fertilizer to your soil is optional but recommended, as it accelerates the growing process. To keep pests at bay, you can use a diluted disinfectant spray and monitor your crops to see how they thrive.

Given the many activities in planting crops, this option is suitable if you can spare some time. When your crops are ready, you can eat them, but it is advisable to save some as they will give you seeds for your next planting.

Generally, finding food in DayZ is challenging, especially for novice players. This is because, apart from your inventory, all the other food sources require you to do some work. The good news is that the work is doable and gives quick results. Thus, as a prudent player, utilize the map, and you will easily bump into ample food sources.

How Do You Get Apples from Trees in DayZ?

Getting apples from trees in DayZ is challenging for most gamers since Bohemia interactive removed picking from trees. However, there are other alternatives to getting these fruits on DayZ.

If you want to get apples in DayZ, you will rely on the trees to spawn the fruits around them and collect them. Given that every player is waiting for trees to spawn, it is challenging to get these fruits, especially in popular areas. Thus, the best alternative is to visit the smaller towns like Gorka, Novy, and Novod, where there are fewer people.

Fewer people are an advantage as the looting is low; hence, higher chances of getting the apples. You should avoid the coast and the big orchards where there are so many people and instead go to the not so obvious locations for a higher chance of finding some fruits.

Apples in DayZ are an important addition as they help combat dehydration. For the best results, consider raw apples as they have higher hydration levels. Baked potatoes will restore hunger while boiled will restore less hunger than baked but same hydration and more hunger than raw. The dried apples have low hydration levels and will restore hunger.

No Fruit under Trees in DayZ?

Considering you need food to survive, knowing how to get food is vital. One easy way of getting food is by picking fruits under a tree; however, what happens when you find no fruits under trees?

Generally, you will not find fruits under trees in DayZ since many players are looting and will collect any that they find on their way. Thus, to get some fruit, you should walk near the apple or plum tree to trigger the spawn timer.

You might have to wait for up to 10 minutes for the apples to appear. Still, if you cannot see any after this duration expires, probably someone came here recently and triggered the spawn. In this case, you might have to navigate to the coast or inland for some fruit.

A common observation among online gamers is that there are no fruits under trees when they use new servers. However, before you fault the server for this, it is vital to note that fruits will spawn when a player is within its vicinity. When you start a server, it is evident that there will be no one on it; hence, no fruit.

If you are testing the server and you are the only one present, consider making trips around the map. For instance, you can go to a town and run through it, then leave. Your presence will cause the trees around to spawn some fruits. Also, apple trees will spawn if there are many people around. Hence, if you are playing DayZ with a group, you should expect more spawns.

Fruit spawning may vary depending on the type of fruit. For instance, plums will turn visible if you look at the ground as you circle the tree, and one or two fruits will appear. Unlike apples, plums spawn their fruits more often. Thus, learning how other fruits look and their locations is an advantage.

How Often Does Fruit Respawn in DayZ?

When you are close to your death in DayZ, fruits can be your lifesavers. The good thing is that fruit trees are widespread in DayZ, including apple, plum, and pear, and will respawn to give more fruits.

Fruit trees will respawn constantly, and you do not need to worry about fruit availability. Ideally, if you pick some fruit from a tree and run around, then come back to the same tree, you will likely find more fruits to pick. In areas with close patch trees, you can do a loop running and check for fruits, and they will keep respawning.

Fruit trees are generally everywhere in DayZ, and you can use the loot map to spot them. After some time, you will be able to recognize the trees and will not need the map. In most cases, the trees in home gardens and towns are fruit trees; hence, a good place to look. Other places you can explore are orchards, which have many fruit trees.

The weird fact is that despite having many fruit trees, it is more difficult to find fruits in orchards than towns, as they spawn at the same rate, no matter the number of trees. Also, many players reach the orchards for fruits, further reducing the probability.

When the fruit trees respawn, you expect to find them dried, rotten, and raw. Therefore, ensure you pick up all the fruits, including the rotten ones, to allow more fruits to spawn. However, you should only consume dried and raw fruits.

Eating rotten or burned fruit will make you sick. The dried fruit is good for food with 2200kcal energy and will satisfy your hunger. When you eat raw apples, you will gain 75ml of water and 100kcal of food. Cooking your apple makes it a good food source as it increases the calories, but it is not worth the effort.

How Long Does it Take for Weed To Grow in DayZ?

Weed is one of the crops featured in DayZ in 0.58 experimental files. Its addition to the game triggered mixed reactions and expectations in terms of its functionality.

The process of growing weed will take ten minutes, after which you can start reaping the benefits. Weed is available in Server 1 and 2. In DayZ, you will get a supply of cannabis seeds that you can grow and sell at the Stalker Market to generate income.

Cannabis is a bestselling product, and, with it, you can get the next Pablo Escobar or Bob Marley. Weed in DayZ is also useful in restoring the players’ joint health. Also, when a player passes out, it can come in handy in reviving them.

To plant cannabis, you will need an income of about 150000 rubies to acquire a greenhouse at the Stalker Market. Next, you will dig your garden and plant your seeds. To hasten growth, you can add fertilizer and wait for the plants to reach maturity, after which you can start harvesting. Like fruits, cannabis is available in raw, baked, boiled, and dried forms. You should avoid the rotten and burned forms as they could make you sick.

If you want to plant weed in DayZ, you will be limited to two greenhouses per base. You should adhere to this rule or risk base deletion. Also, the only way to gather seeds or joints that you will use in growing cannabis is through the Weedplantage. Zombies protect the Weedplantage and will respawn anytime the player reaches a player count above 25.

While weed as an online addition is seemingly harmless, the Australian Classification Board did not view things, similarly, resulting in a Refused Classification rating. According to the board, this addition promoted addiction and drug misuse, among other issues acceptable to reasonable adults.

While this rating does not state the exact feature in DayZ that results in the lack of classification, it is evident that the addition of weed did not sit well with the board. Over time, Bohemia may remove the weed feature to allow classification of the game for physical release.


Playing DayZ requires a player to feed well to survive through the fights and struggles in the game. The good news is that there are several food sources available in this game; therefore, a player can select the one that works for them as long as they do not lack food. Fruits are also an ideal source of food in DayZ and include apple, plum, and pears.

These fruit trees respawn when a player passes around, allowing them to collect the fruits for consumption. While you need to collect all the fruits to allow respawning, you should avoid consuming rotten and burned fruits as they could make you sick.

Finally, weed is the latest addition to DayZ, and despite its surrounding debates, it is effective in healing patients. Thus, to ensure your survival throughout the game, ensure you equip yourself with the right tools and feed well to remain strong.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is a technology expert based in the UK, with experience across a number of technology areas from phones, tablets, computers to gaming.

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