iPhone: See Read Text From Android, Read Receipts, See Texts

Texting has become one of the most common ways of communicating globally, and all smartphones have apps dedicated to texting. If you are using an iPhone, it is possible to send text messages to people using other smartphones like Androids. If you have received a text on your Android from an iPhone, you might be wondering if the sender can see that you read the text.

So, can iPhone users see when you read a text from Android? An iPhone user cannot see if you have read a text from Android because your Android device does not support that feature. The iPhone has a read receipt feature, but it is only available to messages sent to other iPhone users through iMessage. Even when the iPhone user sends a text via iMessage to your Android phone, it will be delivered as a normal text message, hence they will not know whether you have read the message or not. 

When you send a text message, the only way to confirm someone has read the message is if they reply or the app you have used has a read receipt feature. The read receipt feature will show you if the message is delivered or has been read.

Read on to find out if an iPhone user can see when you read a text using an Android phone, if iPhone users get read receipts from Android phones, and who can see your iPhone texts.

If you do not have time to make a call or have a bad network reception, sending a message is an easy way to communicate with the other party through your phone. However, sometimes, people can misuse text messages by sending numerous texts within a short time while you are not in a position to reply to any of them.

If someone has sent a text through an iPhone and you have opened the text but do not wish to reply, you might be wondering if they can see that you read the text using your Android phone.

iPhone users cannot see when you read their text messages on your Android phone because your device does not have the read receipts feature found in iPhones. iPhone users can only see if you read their text messages if they sent their message via iMessage, and you have an iPhone too.

If the iPhone user has not activated iMessage on their device, they also cannot see if the recipient has read the message or not, regardless of their device. On your Android device, the read receipts feature may or may not be available depending on your phone’s brand or the messaging app you are using.

The “Read Receipts” feature tells you if someone read your text on their device. If you sent a message and someone read it, they cannot deny they did not see the message if you can confirm that they have read it on your device.

If you are using an iPhone, you should note that the “Read Receipts” feature only works for messages sent to iPhones or Apple devices using iMessage. iMessage allows users to send messages to people without iPhones, but the iMessage will be delivered as an SMS message. When you open that message on your Android phone, the iPhone user will not see that you have read the text on their iMessage.

There are numerous brands of Android phones, and most brands have their own Read Receipts feature. The most common Android brands such as Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and Google have “Delivery Receipts”.

This feature does not tell you if the user has read your text message, it tells you if the text message has been delivered to the recipient. To turn on “Delivery Reports” on your Android phone, open the Message app and tap on the three vertical dots to access more options.

  • tap on “Settings”
  • tap on “Chat features”, “Text Messages” or “Conversations”

and if you do not see any of these options,

  • tap on “More Settings,” and you will find one of the options there
  • tap on the toggle next to “Delivery Receipts” or “Show When Delivered” to get delivery reports.

This process will vary depending on your device’s Android version. If your Android phone has a “Read Receipt” feature, you will see an option where you can turn on “Read Receipts” when you follow the above process.

Depending on the Android versions, you might see “Read Receipts”, “Send Read Receipts,” or “Request Receipt,” and you can turn it on or off by tapping on the toggle next to it. You should note that the “Read Receipt” will work on Android phones only.

If the recipient is using an iPhone, you cannot see whether they read your text message or not. The “Read Receipts” feature will not work if the recipient using an Android phone has not enabled the “Share read status” feature on their device.

Do iPhone Users Get Read Receipts from Android?

When you send a text message using your iPhone, sometimes you will need confirmation that the recipient has received and read the message. You can tell if someone has read a message if your phone or the messaging app you are using has the “Read Receipt” feature. If you have an iPhone, you might be wondering if you can get “Read Receipts” from Android phones. 

iPhone users cannot get “Read Receipts” from Android users because an iPhone’s “Read Receipts” feature only works with iPhones or iPads. When sending a text on an iPhone, you can use the messaging app or iMessage. The “Read Receipts” feature is only available on the iMessage and requires the sender and recipient to have iMessage on their device.

The “Read Receipts” does not work with regular messages; therefore, even if you send a regular text message to an iPhone user, you cannot see if they read the text. iMessage is only available on iPhones and iPads; you cannot install it on your Android device.

If you are using an iPhone and you want to receive confirmation that your contacts are reading your messages, you need to turn on iMessage. Go to “Settings,” tap on “Messages,” and turn on iMessage. When you text someone on your iPhone using iMessage and have an iPhone or iPad with iMessages turned on, you will see if they read the text message.

However, you need to enable “Read Receipts” to get reports the recipients are reading your messages. To turn on “Read Receipts” on the iMessage app,

  • tap on “Settings”
  • tap on “Messages” and
  • enable “Send Read Receipts”

If you have not turned on iMessage on your iPhone, you will only send normal text messages using your cellular plan. Regular messages on iPhones do not support “Read Receipts,” whether you are sending to iPhone users or Android users.

When using iMessage on your iPhone, you can use it to send text messages to Android users. However, the Android will receive the text as a normal message. However, you cannot see if the Android user has read the text message even if you have enabled “Read Receipts” on iMessage.  

You can use other messaging apps with the “Read Receipts” feature to confirm your recipients have read the messages. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps with a “Read Receipts” feature. WhatsApp is an instant messaging application available on various operating systems, including Android and iOS.

To send a message via WhatsApp, the recipient also needs to have installed the app on their device and signed in using their contact. If you turn on the “Read Receipts” feature on WhatsApp, you can receive confirmation the recipient has read the message, whether they are using an iPhone or an Android phone. 

To enable “Read Receipts” on WhatsApp, open the app on your phone and go to “Settings”

  • tap on “Account”
  • tap on “Privacy”
  • and turn on “Read Receipts”

When you send messages or voice notes on WhatsApp, you can now see if the person has read your message or not. When you send a message on WhatsApp, the message will have one grey tick at the bottom if the recipient has not turned on their internet data or Wi-Fi.

If their data is on or they are connected to a working Wi-Fi network, the message will have two grey ticks meaning the message has been delivered. The tick below the message will turn blue when the recipient has read the message. 

Who Can See My iPhone Texts?

Apple Inc. has created a tight-knit environment with its devices and apps, and it is sometimes difficult to use Apple devices with other devices or third-party apps. Not everyone uses an iPhone, and some people prefer to use Android phones. If you have purchased an iPhone, you might be wondering who can see your iPhone texts.

Everyone can see your iPhone texts because Apple does not limit the devices you can communicate with using your iPhone. However, if you use iMessage, only those using iPhones or iPad will receive your iMessages. If you send an iMessage to a person using another device other than an iPhone, they will receive an SMS message.

When your iPhone cannot send a message, there could be a problem with your network or device. There are ways you can fix the issue or contact Apple Support for help. You can also use other third-party messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to send messages to people using non-Apple phones.

To send a message on your iPhone, open the Message app and tap on the icon at the top right corner of the screen to start a new conversation or tap on an existing message to continue a conversation. If it is a new conversation, you have to enter the recipient’s phone number, contact name or Apple ID.

You can also tap the plus icon to choose from the contact saved on your device. On the text field, type your message and tap on the send icon to send the message. Anyone on your contact list will receive a text message from your iPhone regardless of their device.

If your iPhone cannot send an iMessage, “Not Delivered” will appear below the text bubble. You can try to resend the text by tapping on the exclamation mark next to the failed message and tapping on “Try Again”.

If the person is using a non-Apple phone, tap on “Send as Text Message,” and the recipient will receive the iMessage as an SMS message. If your iPhone cannot send an iMessage or a text message, there could be an issue preventing it from sending a message. These issues include no active cellular plan, poor network, wrong contact or faulty device.

To send a text message on your iPhone, you need an active cellular plan from your cellular service provider. If you try sending the message multiple times without success, you should contact your carrier and inquire why you cannot send messages.

If you send iMessages, you require cellular data or a Wi-Fi connection. Check if you have turned on cellular data or if your Wi-Fi network is working before trying to send the iMessage again. You should also check if you entered the phone number correctly.

If one number is missing or incorrect, the text message will not be sent if the number is non-existent. If you have tried the above solutions and still cannot send messages, contact Apple Support for help.

You can also use third-party messaging apps to send messages from your iPhone to people using non-Apple phones. You can find these third-party messaging apps on the Apple Store. Some are free, while you might be required to pay a subscription fee or purchase them for some apps.

Some of these apps include WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Signal, WeChat, Snapchat and Line, among others. However, these third-party apps only allow you to message people who have installed the apps on their devices and have created an account on the apps.


Being “Left on Read” can be disappointing, especially if you need someone’s response immediately. The “Read Receipts” feature on iMessage lets you see if the recipient has read your message.

However, this feature only works if the sender and recipient are iPhone users. A person using an Android phone will read your message, but you cannot see if they have read it on your iPhone.

If you are using an Android phone, you can enable “Read Receipts” or “Delivery Reports” on your Message app, depending on your device’s brand or Android version. You can use third-party apps to confirm people using non-Apple phones have received your text messages. WhatsApp is one of the best third-party apps with a “Read Receipts” feature that you can install on your iPhone and text people using non-Apple phones.

Bal Kang

Bal Kang is a technology expert based in the UK, with experience across a number of technology areas from phones, tablets, computers to gaming.

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